Sherry Sheer - Gone

Download Sherry Sheer - Gone
Artist: Sherry Sheer
Album: Gone



Review by Vikki Soros

Gone, the latest album by Sherry Sheer, is a captivating and emotional journey through the complexities of love and loss. With her soulful voice and poignant lyrics, Sheer delivers a powerful and intimate portrayal of heartache and healing.

The album opens with the title track, a haunting ballad that sets the tone for the rest of the record. Sheer's vocals are raw and vulnerable, conveying the pain and confusion of a relationship that has ended. As the album progresses, Sheer explores different facets of heartbreak, from the bitter resentment of "Love is a Lie" to the wistful nostalgia of "Memories."

Despite the heavy subject matter, there is a sense of hopefulness that runs throughout the album. Sheer's lyrics are infused with a sense of resilience and strength, as she acknowledges the pain of her past while looking towards a brighter future. This is particularly evident in the uplifting "Rise Up," which encourages listeners to find the courage to move on from their own heartbreak.

Musically, Gone is a diverse and dynamic album that showcases Sheer's versatility as an artist. From the stripped-down acoustic guitar of "Broken" to the lush orchestration of "Goodbye," Sheer's arrangements are always tasteful and effective. The album also features some standout guest performances, including a soulful duet with fellow singer-songwriter John Doe on "Fading Away."

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Today And Every Day


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MGM Records

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ConductorHoward Gibeling



Summary by Vikki Soros

Gone is a deeply personal and moving album that is sure to resonate with anyone who has experienced the pain of a broken heart. Sheer's honesty and vulnerability make this a standout release, and fans of singer-songwriters like Adele and Fiona Apple will find much to love here. Highly recommended.

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